Release & Cleanse Deep Emotional Stress With Yoga Release

Struggling to heal from a past traumatic experience? Trauma can leave energetic imprints in the body that affect our friendships, love life, and career. Yoga Release will teach you step-by-step tools to release trapped emotions so you can heal.


Join the 10,000+ clients taking charge of Healing their bodies from trauma and chronic stress through yoga release. In this expert-guided, self-paced program you will learn how to:

βœ…  Become present with your body

βœ…  Release years of pent-up trauma and chronics stress

βœ…  Create freedom and lightness throughout your body

βœ…  Regain a feeling of safety and security in your own body

βœ…  Reduce the frequency and intensity of triggers

βœ…  Unlock stagnant energy that is holding you back from true inner alignment

βœ…  Establish a mind-body connection that will transform your life

βœ…  A Mindfulness Practice for Welcoming Your Emotions.

 $249   $149 One-Time Sign-Up Fee

(Lifetime Access)

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Trauma & Chronic Stress Taking Over Your Life?

In this yoga release program, you will learn how to heal your trauma through holistic body poses that release trapped emotions stored in the body.

  • Have you suffered a traumatic event and found it hard to connect to your mind, body, and emotions?

  • Does moving your body feel stiff and disconnected?

  • Do you mentally struggle to stay present?

Based on research, trauma-informed yoga combines the mind and body impact of trauma with spiritual health and consciousness. It is a way to safely connect with your body, regaining any control, love, or acceptance that may have been threatened during a traumatic experience.

Cultivating mindfulness & awareness of the connection between our body, mind, and breath through yoga, we engage our parasympathetic nervous system. This process reduces the ongoing stress response induced by trauma.

Trauma-informed yoga expands by addressing its’ physiological, psychological, and spiritual effects. From this perspective, trauma not only affects our physical and mental health but our spiritual well-being. According to yogic perspectives, every human possesses a spiritual, bioenergetic system of seven chakras. Scientifically, the chakra system follows the same path as the vagus nerve, which connects to major glands in our bodies to control how we respond to stress. This system begins at the base of our spine, ascends upwards to the crown of the head, and includes our root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras which all correspond to major bodily organs.

Expanding our understanding of how trauma impacts our spiritual selves through the body can create space for both individuals and healing professionals to explore and address these concerns with the power of holistic yoga healing.

Yes! I am READY!

 Trauma-informed yoga combines the mind and body impact of trauma with spiritual health and consciousness.

The Key to Your Healing Begins Here.

10,000+ nourished and supported clients just like you seeking practical body-based techniques that support you to:

βœ…  Become present with your body

βœ…  Release years of pent-up trauma and chronics stress

βœ…  Create freedom and lightness throughout your body

βœ…  Regain a feeling of safety and security in your own body

βœ…  Reduce the frequency and intensity of triggers

βœ…  Unlock stagnant energy that is holding you back from true inner alignment

βœ…  Establish a mind-body connection that will transform your life

βœ…  A Mindfulness Practice for Welcoming Your Emotions.

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No matter what trauma you experienced it will impact your mental, emotional & physical health until it is released.

Let us walk you through it

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Yoga Release

An expert-guided, on-demand program that offers 10-minute yoga poses that will nourish and support your healing process. 


Proven Process

To heal and nourish your body from the privacy of your own home.

Step-by-Step Tutorials

Easy-to-follow videos that train you on how to heal your body and mind

48-Hour Money Back Guarantee

If you feel it's not the right fit, you'll get a full refund.

Lifetime Access

Enjoy lifetime access and updated videos along the way.

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As Seen In

Course Content Preview


Introduction to Yoga & Its Healing Capabilities.

  • Meet Ashley
  • What tools you will need
  • Breathing Techniques
  • How to Sit Calmly

11 Nourishing Yoga Poses

Eleven 10-minute yoga poses to help release trauma and chronic stress from the body



This protocol allows you two nourishing and safe classes to calm the nervous system and heal from chronic stress and trauma. All from the privacy of your own home.

What Others
Have Experienced


"I had actual tears of recognition in my eyes after starting this program; six months later, I feel like I have reached a milestone in my recovery from abuse. I felt understood by this training in a way that I never have before with a psychology or therapy text, except for Somatic Trauma Therapy's program. This training is absolutely invaluable for someone with complex trauma in childhood, who used dissociation as their main defense mechanism. I highly recommend this program! And be patient with yourself!"

Lara Swanson

"It's a gentler alternative for my healing from sexual violence (not triggered from talk therapy). It's also made grounding and mindfulness exercises more accessible for me, since these are showcased expressly with a dissociative/traumatized person in mind. The trainers are clear and validating. Some videos might be more triggering, depending on your experience-- I was surprised that the relational stuff was harder for me-- so personally I recommend skipping any videos if you feel like you're "fighting" with it, then returning to it later on. I had good luck with this approach. And don't be afraid to spend more time on a challenging video once you start feeling your normal self again. You'll get out of the trainings what you put into it."

Julia Waldorf

Start Your
New Life.


Experiencing trauma is not always easy and the healing work that goes along with it may feel like you want to resist it. This too is a trauma response. But our trained somatic practitioners are not just teachers they are also trauma survivors. They too have been in your shoes. They are here because they know this process works. Trapped emotions can stay in our bodies like a beacon. Many victims of trauma have noted that they were repeat victims. This is due to the energetic frequency your body emanates. Give us 30 days to retrain your nervous system. Heal your wounds and attract the life, people and abundance that is your birthright. These modalities can be used in the privacy of your own home as well in public when you feel anxious or triggered, while being discreet. Your future depends on a healthy and happy you. Be empowered and inspired to learn and grow from this event or experience in your life. You won't regret it. 

Thankfully, according to Dr. Peter Levine, somatic therapies and techniques can work directly with the trauma-affected nervous system to help safely release trauma from the body. 


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  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money back guarantee
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Included with This Course Are These Amazing Bonuses!

First Bonus Feature

8 Additional Trauma Therapies to support the central nervous system in moments of fear.

Second Bonus Feature

Downloads to enhance your trauma therapy and speed up your recovery.

Third Bonus Feature

Monthly LIVE sessions to enhance your therapy and feel supported on your journey!

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Hi! I'm Ashley

Ashley Priscilla Beasley has been teaching international yoga and meditation trainings since 2013. She lived in Bali, Thailand, and India for 9 years deepening her understanding of Eastern philosophies and how emotions and energies relate to the mind. Priscilla is an advanced Healer and Intuitive Purpose Coach through the Center for Akashic Healing. She has worked with many demographics including Veterans and First Responders struggling with PTSD. She guides her classes through loving compassion and a deep listening to the inner wisdom that connects us all.

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We know it hasn't been easy, and that's why we made this safe and nourishing Yoga Release program


Additonal Testimonials


"I needed this therapy! Talk therapy felt icky and I could never move past it! This therapy helped me feel like I grew a neck again/ because I felt like my head and body weren’t attached after my traumatic experience. I loved I could use my HSA card to purchase also. Thank you for this!!"

Dina Leone

"I have done this practice in conjunction with my therapist- who recommended it actually. I felt I made bigger strides using Somatic therapy added to my day to day. I highly recommend trying it."

Anna Finley

"I wish I came across this Somatic therapy years ago. None the less, best $200 I have spent on myself. I am worth it, so are you!"

Genevieve MacLean

"I bought the somatic therapy because I had been stuck for some time and was sinking deeper and deeper into despair, hopelessness, panic, anxiety and depression. I also had gained over 50lbs and as a normal size 8 this made me feel even worse. After one session with this training, I began to have hope. FINALLY!! I learned so many great techniques and I also learned a lot about how trauma can effect the body. Who knew weight gain is common in trauma and you cant lose it until it feels safe again! Wonderful program and great trainers. I did the Somatic and Yoga for release due to sexual trauma."

August Redwood

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You have been through enough. If you feel this program doesn't fit, you can get a full refund within 48-hours of purchase. Simply email us!

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  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money-back guarantee
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