Beyond the Shadows: Empowering Healing after Pregnancy Loss and Infertility

We offer a nurturing space to heal, grow, and find your path to motherhood with resilience and love.


Are You Ready to Rewrite Your Story?

If you've faced the heartache of reproductive trauma, your journey doesn't end here. Join the 10,000+ women who have needed a lifeline after pregnancy loss or infertility, just like you.

🌺 Understand reproductive trauma & grief process

🌺  Learn supportive healing interventions that can prevent pregnancy loss

🌺  Explore self-care practices to support physical and emotional healing that provides a thriving environment for a healthy pregnancy

🌺 Exclusive Super 7 Research: Heal from pregnancy loss & infertility for generations

🌺 Private supportive communinty to share your story and heal

🌺 Monthly LIVE Rituals & Ceremonies to honor your path

🌺 Win a Monthly Pre-Natal Gift in our member giveaway!

Was $598 NOW $299 

(Lifetime Access & Support)


YES! I'm Ready To Heal! ✨


Join the  0 members healing from home!  

Pregnancy Loss & Infertility. Hits. Hard! We'd Like To Help.

Pregnancy loss & Infertility carries with it an immense weight of pain and sorrow that can feel unbearable. The loss or inablity of a pregnancy is not only the absence of a hoped-for future, but also the shattering of dreams, the loss of a connection with a little life that was growing within. It brings forth a wave of emotions that can consume every aspect of one's being—grief, sadness, anger, guilt, and profound longing.

According to Dr Ben Lynch, "Miscarriages occur in 15 to 20% of all pregnancies, typically in the first trimester. After the first miscarriage, the risk of having another is about 20%. After three or more consecutive miscarriages, the risk of miscarriage increases to 43%. This is known as recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)."

Each loss or delay is deeply personal, leaving an indelible mark on the heart. The pain of pregnancy issues is complex and unique to each individual, as it encompasses not only the yearning for a child but also the loss of the envisioned journey of motherhood. It is a pain that deserves to be acknowledged, understood, and tenderly held, with the support and compassion of a community that understands and embraces those who have experienced this profound loss.

Are you needing extra care and support during this time and not sure where to turn?

We'd like to help!



When you experience pregnancy loss or infertility it's common to feel:

  • Panic Attacks
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Misunderstood
  • Hopeless
  • Grief
  • Fear

When you have a miscarriage, it can feel very traumatic causing the Broca area of your brain, which is responsible for speech production, to shut down and the body starts processing emotions through physical ailments. (Body Keeps The Score, Van der Kolk 2014). Which is why thousands of therapist worldwide endorse and often supplement their talk therapy with our program WOMBan WarriorTM

 "Thankfully, interventions exist to support women who suffer multiple miscarriages & infertility. And that is what the WOMBan Warrior in partnership with Seeking Health shares in the program. It is almost impossible to find on the internet or in doctor offices."    Dr Ben Lynch

The Time to Heal is Now

Imagine a life where your pain transforms into strength, where your resilience shines through the darkness. WOMBan Warrior™ empowers you with:

🌺 Expert-Guided Transformation: Embark on a journey curated and led by renowned experts who are passionate about helping you heal and reclaim your strength. Our team includes Genetic Experts, Certified Somatic Instructors, Quantum Healers, Nutritionsists & Certified Pregnancy Loss Specialists

🌺 Proven Methods Developed by Trauma Professionals: Our approach is backed by the National Institute of Health & Seeking Health. We blend cutting-edge techniques with ancient wisdom to create a comprehensive program that addresses your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.

🌺 Meet Women Who Have Been There: Join a compassionate community of women who understand your pain. Share your stories, find solace, and support each other as you embark on a shared path toward healing. Your journey is our collective journey.

🌺 1-on-1 Personalized Healing Guidance: Our trauma experts provide personalized guidance, ensuring that your healing experience is tailored to your unique journey. You'll have the resources and support you need to navigate the complexities of pregnancy loss and infertility.

Sign Up Today

Pregnancy Loss Can Be Difficult To Navigate

Let us walk you through it

🌸 Join Your Warrior Family Now

WOMBan WarriorTM

WOMBan Warrior is a thoughtfully curated online and on-demand program, offering over 25+ transformative video trainings & downloads over 9 Modules that turn the pain and triggers of pregnancy loss or infertility into a platform for healing, inspiration, and education. Learn to navigate and heal from pregnancy loss, release unprocessed trauma, and address issues such as infertility, postpartum depression, womb healing, and genetic barriers (root causes) that are delaying your dreams of motherhood. Embrace the power of ceremonies and rituals, honoring your unique journey. Join our compassionate community, where we rise stronger together. Discover healing, hope, and empowerment with WOMBan Warrior. Led by renowned experts, including Dr. Ben Lynch, Kinsey our Nutritionist, and Kris, our certified CPLS professional, our program offers unparalleled credibility.



Proven Process

Endorsed by Dr Ben Lynch & Seeking Health

Step-by-Step Tutorials

Expert guided healing and educational tools

48-Hour Money Back Guarantee

If you feel it's not the right fit, you'll get a full refund.

Lifetime Access

Enjoy lifetime access and updated videos along the way.


As Seen In

Inside WOMBan Warrior 

Nine Expert-Led Modules with 25+ Trainings, Healings & Scientifically Backed Education:


Understanding Pregnancy Loss and Grief

  • Defining Pregnancy Loss
  • The Grieving Process
  • Addressing Social Stigmas
  • Coping Strategies & Self Care 

Embracing Emotional Healing

  •  4 Stages of Grief & Coping
  • Hormones After Pregnancy Loss & Infertility

Navigating Relationships & Support Systems

  • Partner Support
  • Unsupportive Partners
  • Setting Boundaries 

Rebuilding Physical Health & Wellbeing

  • Understanding Physical Impacts of Pregnancy Loss
  • Coping With Physical Discomfort
  • Nurturing The Body
  • Engaging in Physical Activities

Cultivating Resilience and Moving Forward

  • Embracing Hope & Resileience
  • Exploring Personal Growth
  • Celebrating & Honoring Your Journey & Loss
  • Future Family Planning

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) & Infertility

  • Understanding RPL
  • Testing & Treatent
  • Infertility: 10 Reasons

Integrating Holistic Therapies For Healing

  • Somatic Therapies
  • Breathwork
  • Yoga
  • Meditations & Sound Baths

Rituals & Ceremonies

Experience the healing power of celebrating your journey, clearing your energetic state and honoring the loss of a baby. These rituals & ceremonies are a powerful way to heal individually and as a family. 


Seeking Health With Dr Ben Lynch & Nutritionist Kinsey Jackson

  • Prenatal Support
  • Overcoming Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
  • Support tools and resources to share with your practitioner
  • New Studies on Miscarriage and Birth Defects
  • Testing Resources

Private Facebook Group

  • Share Your Story
  • Get Access To New & Updated Research
  • Support Others On Their Healing Journey

Monthly LIVE Ceremonies & Rituals

Join us in a collective healing journey as we go live monthly to help you heal with powerful energetic ceremonies and rituals to support you, your health and the loss of a baby.


Monthly Pre-Natal Giveaway

Monthly Member Drawing For A Pre-Natal Giveaway: Sponsored By Seeking Health

Our program promises to provide a supportive and empowering journey for individuals dealing with pregnancy loss and infertility. Through expert guidance, personalized care, and a community of understanding, we aim to help you heal, regain strength, and find renewed hope on your path to emotional well-being and personal growth.


"I came across Ben's groundbreaking work a couple of years ago after suffering from a miscarriage. By analyzing my genetic disposition, lifestyle, and diet triggers, I overcame my genetic shortcomings to birth my wonderful son without any complications."  

Kelly Leveque- Be Well Podcast

What Others
Have Experienced


"I had actual tears of recognition in my eyes after starting this program; six months later, I feel like I have reached a milestone in my recovery after suffering 2 miscariages. I learned so much in this course and gained a sisterhood of friends I could not have even imagined. I felt understood by this training in a way that I never have before with a psychology. This training is absolutely invaluable for someone who has had a miscariage. I was able to find the root cause of why this keeps happening and I am now truly on a healing journey that I am confident in!  I highly recommend this program!


"I had so much grief about my miscarriage that I could not even speak of it. But I knew I needed help,badly! I also needed tools to help me understand why I had a miscariage (It took me 6 years to even get pregnant). This program is extremely resourcesful and knowlesgeable on how to heal and learning about your body! This is truly a lifesaver and the community is so understanding and safe! 


Unlock a Brighter Future

Imagine a life where you no longer feel consumed by grief, where hope begins to blossom once again. WOMBan WarriorTM will equip you with the tools and strategies needed to embrace this brighter future. Together, we will celebrate the lives that were lost, honor their memory, and discover newfound strength within ourselves.

Enroll Today and Reclaim Your Joy

Don't let grief define you; let resilience guide you towards a future filled with hope and love. Join us in the "WOMBan Warrior" course and embark on a transformative journey of healing.

Enroll now to receive:

🌷 Lifetime access to the course materials and resources

🌷 Personalized guidance from experienced instructors

🌷 Connection with a supportive community of fellow participants

🌷 Additional resources and self-care practices tailored to your needs

Your time for healing is now. Together, we will nurture resilience, restore joy, and create a brighter future.


🌺Invest In Your Healing. Commitment To Your Well-Being.🌺

Let's nurture resilience, restore joy, and create a future where you thrive.


1 Payment of


for a lifetime of transformation

  • Lifetime access
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Private FB Community to share your story and heal with others on thier pregnancy journey
  • 48-hour money back guarantee

3 Payments of


for affordable monthly installments

  • Lifetime access
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Private FB Community to share your story and heal with others on thier pregnancy journey
  • 48-hour money back guarantee

Included with This Course Are These Amazing Bonuses!

1st Bonus Feature

Access to a Private FB Group to share your story with our sisterhood community. Be Inspired! 

2nd Bonus Feature

Monthly Member Giveaway of Pre Natals or Strategene Test

3rd Bonus Feature

Monthly 🌺 LIVE rituals & ceremonies to remove energetic blocks and honor your pregnancy journey.




Dr Ben Lynch

Discover insights from Dr. Ben Lynch's research on Epigenetics & Genetics.

Dr. Ben Lynch is the best-selling author of Dirty Genes and President of Seeking Health, a company that helps educate both the public and health professionals on how to overcome genetic dysfunction. We capture the best advise from his Super 7 research to educate you on a healthy pregnancy. He received his doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University. He lives in Seattle, WA with his wife and three sons.


Hi! I'm Kris.

I'll guide you in holistic practices for healing from pregnancy loss.

Kris is a certified Quantum Healer, YT. She too had a pregnancy loss on Christmas day that also almost took her life. Due to the traumatic way she miscarried she suffered immensly for years. She personally designed this course to help give women the support they need during a pregnancy loss that she wished she had.  She knows and understands the power behind healing and learning about underlying causes of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Sign Up Today

Additonal Testimonials


"I needed this therapy!It was healing, nurturing and the information was well beyond ANYTHING my doctor told me! This was a community I so needed and I will forever have a bond with this group!


"I have done this practice in conjunction with my therapist- who recommended it actually. I felt I made bigger strides using healing! I highly recommend trying it."


"I wish I came across this healing YEARS ago. None the less, the best healing and learning I have done for myself! This program should be worth thousands its so good!"


"I had a stillborn at 8months, it was the most devistating experience of my life. It caused me so much heartache it ended up affecting my marriage and we seperated. That on top of how I was already feeling made me feel hopeless. I came across this program and decided to try it and I have to say I learned so much about myself, how to heal, how to navigate the grief. Profound! Please, do not wait like I did!"


This could be you!
Are you ready to transform your life?


Join This Course


Commit to Your Healing

Live Your Best Life

Sign Up Today

Frequently Asked Questions


48-Hour Money-Back Guarantee!

Your well-being matters to us. If you find that this program isn't the right fit, you can request a full refund within 48 hours of purchase. Just reach out to us via email, and we'll be happy to assist you. Your satisfaction and healing journey are our top priorities.

These programs are not intended to replace medical care/treatment with your medical doctor or therapist. Please seek the advice and direction of your healthcare provider before starting any healing modality.