


Track & Heal Your Inner Child Trauma Triggers with our workbook. Learn to reparent and offer compasion and love to your inner child.

  • 25+ Trigger Trackers
  • 25+ Healing Journaling Prompts
  • 25+ Inner Child Affirmations
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Trauma To Transformation 25+ Somatic Exercises and Resources To Heal Trauma


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Healing & Integration Workbook

If you have tried talk therapy, healers, shamans, plant medicine, neurofeedback or any other modality to heal and still wonder, 'Why am I not improving?' Our workbook will help you translate your journey into practical tools and self exploration you can incorprate into your everyday life.

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Emotional & Energetic Imbalance Meanings

Ever wondered where pain is held in the body when you are feeling financially overwhelmed? How about unresolved emotional trauma? Every organ and tissue is sending you a message about your well being. Understand your body so you can heal.

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Unlock Your Abundance DNA Activation

5-Step Process

Learn how to tap into the bodies Abundance Codes. Research based on NASA research.

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7 Yoga Poses to Heal From Trauma

If you have suffered a traunatic event you will no doubt be experiences tension, stiffness and chronic pain. These poses will help calm your nervous system so you can gently and effectively loosen up the body.

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103 Affirmations To Heal From Sexual Trauma & Intimacy Blocks

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Heal From Home Technology!

AO Scan Technology

HIGH DEMAND! The AO Scan is a powerful wellness tool that utilizes cutting-edge bioresonance technology. By analyzing over 10,000 frequencies within your voice, it offers a personalized approach to emotional well-being. This innovative system compares your unique frequencies against a vast database of 120,000 healing tones, ensuring a tailored experience for your specific emotional state.

What sets the AO Scan apart is its ability to create custom audio frequencies designed to address various needs, including hormone balance, chronic stress relief, and conditions like PTSD, ADHD, or recurring nightmares. In the palm of your hand, this remarkable tool places the potential for healing and wellness within reach. Moreover, it's user-friendly, requiring just under 5 minutes a day, making it a versatile resource that the entire family can easily incorporate into their daily routine. With its personalized approach and versatility, the AO Scan empowers individuals to take control of their emotional well-being and embark on a journey to greater health and balance.








HIGH DEMAND! Revolutionary Brain Wave Technology for Overall Health. BrainTap is a cutting-edge technology developed to provide effective trauma healing and support in regulating the nervous system. This innovative platform offers a rich collection of audio sessions and guided meditations tailored to relieve chronic stress and promote overall mental well-being. Notably, BrainTap's approach extends its benefits to children experiencing anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, learning disabilities, and neurodivergence, making it a valuable resource for individuals of all ages seeking transformative solutions for their mental health.















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Infrared Sauna Blanket

Infrared sauna blankets provide an innovative and effective way to support the healing process after trauma. In just one hour a day, they offer several benefits that contribute to overall well-being and emotional recovery:

1. Deep Relaxation: This relaxation fosters a sense of safety and calm, which is especially crucial for trauma survivors.

2. Stress Reduction: Regular use of infrared sauna blankets helps lower cortisol levels, alleviating chronic stress.

3. Detoxification: The gentle heat encourages sweating, which promotes the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body from stored trauma.

4. Pain Relief: Infrared heat can help alleviate pain and tension caused by trauma, promoting circulation and soothing sore muscles.

5. Better Sleep: Sauna blankets can improve sleep quality, helping the body process and heal from traumatic experiences.

6. Emotional Release: Sauna sessions provide a safe space for emotional processing and release.

7. Weight Management: Regular sauna use can support weight management and foster a positive body image.

Get on the path to well-being and transformation.

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