Heal With Our 10-⏱️Minute A Day Somatic Therapies to Reclaim Your Life After Trauma. 

Now is your time to heal and recover from neglect, abuse, fear, guilt and shame. 


Join the 10,000+ survivors healing from home. Break free from the grip of your past; our scientifically crafted program is here to guide your life's transformation.

✅ Reset Your Nervous System in Just 10 Minutes a Day: Learn evidence-based techniques that eliminate symptoms you didn’t even know were trauma-based.

✅ Safely Process Emotions: Techniques tailored for real-world settings that help you release feelings of guilt, shame, and fear—whenever, wherever.

✅ Eliminate Trauma's Physical Imprints: Resolve physical discomfort and tension patterns that stem from past traumatic experiences.

✅ Prevent Repeated Traumas: Equip yourself with strategies that halt the cycle of attracting new traumatic experiences into your life

✅ Community Support for Healing: Gain exclusive access to live, online monthly group healing rituals, led by trauma recovery experts.

Lifetime Access to multiple healing resources for less then the price of a therapy session

$149 Normally $249

(Lifetime Access)

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As Seen In

Trauma. Hits. Hard! We'd Like To Help.

The inability to receive support from others is a trauma response. Your “I don’t need anyone, I’ll just do it all myself” conditioning is a survival tactic. And you needed it to shield your heart from abuse, neglect, betrayal, and disappointment from those who could not or would not be there for you.

  • Did you grow up with a parent who was absent or abandoned you by choice?

  • Did a  lover offer sexual intimacy but never offered a safe haven that honored your heart?

  • Did a "friend" or stranger make you feel unsafe in your own body?

  • Have friends or family ALWAYS taken more than they ever gave?

  • Has your experience in the Military left you with PTSD?
  • Perhaps you experienced a tragic loss of a loved one

  • Or experienced a car accident that left you fearful

  • Perhaps you struggle with a serious injury or an unexpected surgery that has you grappling to find yourself again

  • Or maybe you are experiencing repeat traumas that have disrupted your life.

Trauma manifests in various forms. Regardless of its shape or size, trauma finds its home in the body.

Thankfully, according to Dr. Peter Levine, (Healing Trauma, 2008),  "The key to healing is to learn how to regulate the body's hyperarousal and hypoarousal responses." Somatic therapies and techniques can work directly with the trauma-affected nervous system helping to release trapped emotions from our organs and tissues. 

Are you ready?

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When talk therapy is not enough, trauma survivors often experience:

  • Waking up at 3am consistently
  • Panic Attacks
  • Migraines
  • Nightmares
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Tension or tingling in body
  • Numbness
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Nightmare Disorder
  • Hyperarousal
  • Difficulty in relationships
  • Unhealthy attachments such as addiction
  • Chronic Pain
  • Disease and Chronic Illness

Why does this happen? This is the body's stress response  telling you there is a problem! When traumatic episodes become a normal part of your affected state the Broca area of your brain, which is responsible for speech production, shuts down and the body starts processing emotions through physical ailments and addictions. (Body Keeps The Score, Van der Kolk 2014). Which is why thousands of therapist worldwide endorse and often supplement their talk therapy with Somatic therapy.

Join Us- 40% OFF- Limited Time!

"Trauma victims cannot recover until they become familiar with and befriend the sensations in their bodies." 

~ Dr. Bessel van der Kolk is a renowned expert in the field of trauma and its effects on the body and mind

No matter what trauma you experienced it will impact your mental, emotional & physical health until it is released.

Let us walk you through it

Finally Heal- Start Now!! ❤️‍🩹

Somatic Trauma Therapy: Your Path to Healing & Happiness

Unlock the potential for healing and happiness within your own body with Somatic Trauma Therapy. This comprehensive program was carefully curated from the teachings of the worlds greatest trauma specialists and offers over 25+ body-based techniques to address and heal trauma, PLUS 7+ Holistic Healings that help calm the nervous system. All from the privacy and comfort of your home.

Discover the deep connection between your body and mind in trauma recovery. Gain insights into the theory of trauma within the body and how to effectively support your own healing journey. With convenience and privacy as your allies, experience a transformation that leads to enduring happiness, resilience, and self-renewal.

Step out of the shadows of trauma and into the radiance of well-being. Somatic Trauma Therapy is your trusted guide to holistic healing, all within the embrace of your own body.

Claim Our 40% OFF- RECLAIM Your Life🙏🏽

What Others
Have Experienced


"I had actual tears of recognition in my eyes after starting this program; six months later, I feel like I have reached a milestone in my recovery from abuse. I felt understood by this training in a way that I never have before with a psychology or therapy text, except for Somatic Trauma Therapy's program. This training is absolutely invaluable for someone with complex trauma in childhood, who used dissociation as their main defense mechanism. I highly recommend this program! And be patient with yourself!"

Lara Swanson

"It's a gentler alternative for my healing from sexual violence (not triggered from talk therapy). It's also made grounding and mindfulness exercises more accessible for me, since these are showcased expressly with a dissociative/traumatized person in mind. The trainers are clear and validating. Some videos might be more triggering, depending on your experience-- I was surprised that the relational stuff was harder for me-- so personally I recommend skipping any videos if you feel like you're "fighting" with it, then returning to it later on. I had good luck with this approach. And don't be afraid to spend more time on a challenging video once you start feeling your normal self again. You'll get out of the trainings what you put into it."

Julia Waldorf


Proven Process

Endorsed & utilized by Therapists around the world.

Step-by-Step Tutorials

Easy-to-follow videos that train you on how to heal your mind, body and spirit!

48-Hour Money Back Guarantee

If you feel it's not the right fit, you'll get a full refund.

Lifetime Access

You're family now! Enjoy lifetime access and updated videos along the way.

Start Now--10🕚 Minutes A Day! 💫

Daily Nervous System Care:

Transform Your Life, One Breath, One Body Movement at a Time!

Are you ready to make a profound change in your life? It all begins with just 10-minutes or less a day dedicated to caring for your nervous system. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the immense impact that simple self-care practices can have, especially if you are suffering from any post traumatic experience. We invite you to explore how nurturing your nervous system can lead to transformative results.

Stress Reduction:

Start your day with our deep, calming breathwork or a somatic body movement therapy. This small act can set a peaceful tone and reduce stress hormones, making you better equipped to handle life's challenges.


Emotional Resilience:

Practicing our daily mindfulness or grounding exercises can enhance your emotional resilience. You'll find it easier to navigate difficult emotions and respond with grace.


Improved Focus

Cultivating a daily mindfulness practice sharpens your focus and mental clarity. It can be as simple as mindful breathing during a break at work. We show you how!


Better Sleep

Your evening routine matters. Incorporate calming rituals like one of our gentle stretches or progressive muscle relaxation before bed to improve the quality of your sleep. Say goodbye to those unwanted 3am wake-ups!


🌿 Start Healing Today!

Course Content Preview


Understanding Somatic Techniques

Learn how and why Somatics, mind-body techniques, are taking the healing world by storm! Tap into your body's inner healing pharmacy to repair and rebalance the nervous system.  Join our expert guided tutorials from home, office or anywhere in the world. 


The Autonomic Nervous System

Embark on a visual journey through your autonomic nervous system, gaining a profound understanding of yourself and how you respond to stress. This will optimize your healing by identifying which technique will support you best during stressful or triggering situations. 


Flashback Protocols

Flashback protocols are specific therapeutic techniques or strategies used to help individuals cope with and manage flashbacks, which are often associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-related conditions. Flashbacks can be distressing and overwhelming, and these protocols aim to provide individuals with tools to ground themselves and regain a sense of safety.


Dissociation Techniques

Dissociation is a defense mechanism that can occur in response to trauma or extreme stress, causing a disconnection between thoughts, identity, consciousness, memory, and/or perception. These techniques aim to ground individuals in the present moment and increase their sense of self-awareness and control.


EMDR Techniques & Components

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a structured therapeutic approach primarily used to help individuals process traumatic memories and reduce the emotional distress associated with them. EMDR involves specific techniques and phases. We walk you through them all.


Orienting Strategies & Techniques

Orienting techniques are therapeutic strategies used to help individuals regain a sense of connection with their immediate surroundings and the present moment. These techniques are particularly useful for individuals who are feeling disoriented, overwhelmed, or dissociated. Orienting techniques can be helpful in various therapeutic contexts, including trauma recovery, anxiety management, and mindfulness practices.


Swaying For Centering 

Swaying, or rhythmic movement, can be an effective centering technique for some individuals. It involves gentle swaying or rocking motions to help calm the nervous system and promote a sense of grounding and balance. Swaying can be especially beneficial for individuals who find comfort in movement or have experienced trauma-related difficulties.

Gentle Touch For Centering 

Gentle touch can be a soothing and centering technique that promotes relaxation and a sense of calm. It can be particularly beneficial for individuals who find comfort in tactile sensations or who are seeking ways to ground themselves. Here we show you how to use gentle touch as a centering technique.

Safety & Containment

Safety and containment are essential concepts in trauma-informed care and therapy. They refer to creating a secure and supportive environment for individuals who have experienced trauma. Establishing safety and containment is crucial to help individuals feel protected and comfortable as they engage in the healing process. We teach you how to use these concepts.

Rocking & Release

"Rocking and Release" is a therapeutic technique that combines rhythmic rocking movements with the release of physical and emotional tension. This approach can be used in various therapeutic contexts, including trauma recovery, somatic therapy, and body-centered practices. Let us show you how to  "Rock and Release" from trauma.

Guided Breathwork

Guided breathwork is a therapeutic approach that involves intentionally regulating and focusing on one's breath. This technique can be used to support individuals who have experienced trauma, as it can help regulate the nervous system, reduce symptoms of anxiety and hyperarousal, and promote emotional processing and healing. We walk you through short breathing processes you can use throughout your day or join a guided breathwork session to start or end your day.


  • Fasting for Clarity
  • Floating
  • Tapping for Anxiety
  • Sounds of Healing
  • Foot Stomp Technique
  • 3 Frequency Healings

BONUS #2!✨ 10 Energetic Healing Movements

  • Learn how to take your body from a homolateral state (unbalanced and blocked) to a crossover state (supports the body and it's natural healing abilities).

Start Now!

Heal Now From The Privacy Of Your Own Home!

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Start Your
New Life.

Experiencing trauma is not always easy and the healing work that goes along with it may feel like you want to resist it.

This too is a trauma response.

Our dedicated mind, body healing experts are more than just instructors; they are fellow trauma survivors who have walked in your shoes. They are here because they've experienced the transformative power of this process firsthand. Lingering emotions can act as a constant signal within our bodies, and many trauma survivors have found themselves trapped in repetitive cycles. This is influenced by the energetic frequency our bodies emit.

Allow us just 30 days to guide your nervous system toward healing, empowering you to attract the life, people, and abundance that rightfully belong to you. These techniques can be practiced discreetly, whether in the privacy of your home or in public spaces when anxiety or triggers arise. Your future is profoundly impacted by your well-being and happiness. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow from this life event or experience; it's a decision you won't regret.

Thankfully, according to Dr. Peter Levine, somatic therapies and techniques can work directly with the trauma-affected nervous system to help safely release trauma from the body. 


Heal Today! 🎁

We Offer Different Payment Plans


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Paid In Full

  • Lifetime access and future updates
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money back guarantee
  • Lifetime Access to multiple healing resources for less then the price of a therapy session
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3 Payments of


Paid Monthly

  • Pay over time to make it more affordable
  • Lifetime access
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money back guarantee
  • Lifetime Access to multiple healing resources for less then the price of a therapy session
🎁Heal Now, Pay Over Time!💫

Included with This Course Are These Amazing Bonuses!

First Bonus Feature

8 Additional Trauma Therapies to support the central nervous system.

Second Bonus Feature

Downloads to enhance your trauma therapy and speed up your recovery.

Third Bonus Feature

Monthly LIVE healing ceremonies and rituals to enhance your healing so you feel supported on your journey!

Heal With Us! 🎄

Hi! I'm Kris.



Kris is a certified Yoga Instructor, Quantum Healer and Somatic Instructor. Her primary focus in creating programs that facilitate trauma healing through Somatics, which was inspired by her own experience. She knows and understands the power behind 'neuroplasticity exercises' that help to reduce and eliminate the side effects of a traumatic experience.

Other techniques Kris shares at Somatic Trauma Therapy are yoga, breathwork and vagal toning. She also is also a Quantum coach for female entrepreneurs who are ready to take their life and business to the next level.

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We know it hasn't been easy, that's why being able to follow a somatic fascilitator who has been there before can help ensure your success and that healing takes place. 


Additonal Testimonials


"I was in a car accident in 2022 that left me with 2 broken legs. Once I healed I realized I was petrified of driving again. I started Somatics Trauma Therapy because my therapist suggested it. Within 1 week I started feeling safer in my body and confident in my driving again"

Amber- Car Accident Survivor

"I wish I came across this Somatic therapy years ago. None the less, best $200 I have spent on myself. I am worth it, so are you!"

Genevieve MacLean


"I bought the somatic therapy because I had been stuck for some time and was sinking deeper and deeper into despair, hopelessness, panic, anxiety and depression. I also had gained over 50lbs and as a normal size 8 this made me feel even worse. After one session with this training, I began to have hope. FINALLY!! I learned so many great techniques and I also learned a lot about how trauma can effect the body. Who knew weight gain is common in trauma and you cant lose it until it feels safe again! Wonderful program and great trainers. I did the Somatic and Yoga for release due to sexual trauma."

August Redwood

"I lost my mom 3 weeks before my wedding. It was so tragic I can honestly say I don't remember much about my wedding day. The sadness was overwhelming. Somatic Trauma Therapy helped me to heal the inner pain while also realizing my mom is everywhere around me."

Anna Finley
Unlock Your Inner Resilience 💪

This could be you!
Are you ready to transform your life?


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Live Your Best Life

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Frequently Asked Questions


48-Hour Money-Back Guarantee!

You have been through enough. If you feel this program doesn't fit, you can get a full refund within 48-hours of purchase. Simply email us!

Simplified with Multiple Payment Plans


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  • Lifetime access and future updates
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money-back guarantee
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3 Payments of


Paid Monthly

  • Easy Pay: 3 monthly payments
  • Lifetime access
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money-back guarantee
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Trauma to Transformation: 25+ Somatic Exercises To Heal Your Trauma & Chronic Stress

We Offer Different Payment Plans


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Paid In Full

  • Lifetime access and future updates
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money back guarantee
  • Lifetime Access to multiple healing resources for less then the price of a therapy session
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3 Payments of


Paid Monthly

  • Pay over time to make it more affordable
  • Lifetime access
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money back guarantee
  • Lifetime Access to multiple healing resources for less then the price of a therapy session
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These programs are not intended to replace medical care/treatment with your medical doctor or therapist. Please seek the advice and direction of your healthcare provider before starting any healing modality.