Reconnect With Your Sexuality & Intimacy

Do past experiences, cultural conditioning, or even internalized beliefs about what intimacy should be holding you back? Don’t let them affect your future any longer.  Heal from HOME🏠

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Individuals who have undergone trauma, childhood experiences, or cultural conditioning may find significant benefit in participating in a Sexual Mastery class.

Here's a brief overview:

  • Trauma Survivors: People who have experienced sexual trauma may struggle with intimacy, trust, and self-confidence in sexual situations. A Sexual Mastery class can provide a safe space to explore healing, rebuild trust, and reclaim agency over their sexuality.
  • Childhood Trauma Survivors: Those who have endured childhood trauma, such as neglect or abuse, often carry deep-seated emotional wounds that impact their adult relationships and sexual experiences. Such classes offer tools to address past traumas, establish healthy boundaries, and develop positive self-image.
  • Cultural Conditioning: Individuals raised in cultures with strict or repressive attitudes towards sex may internalize shame, guilt, or misinformation about sexuality. Attending a Sexual Mastery class can help challenge cultural taboos, foster sexual empowerment, and cultivate a more fulfilling and authentic sexual expression.

In these classes, participants can expect to learn communication skills, emotional regulation techniques, and practices to enhance pleasure and intimacy, ultimately fostering healing and empowerment in their sexual lives.


Life-Changing Sex & Intimacy Course Outline


Part 1: Communication & Emotional Intelligence

Master the ways you flirt, argue, and communicate so that lust feels optimistic, exciting, and supportive. 

Here are the lessons in this module:

  1. How to know what you want from sex
  2. Identifying your sexual needs
  3. Honoring sexual fantasies & kinks
  4. Emotional Intelligence: how you flirt, argue, and attach to others
  5. Building sexual boundaries
  6. How to talk about sex with your lover(s)

Part 2: Mindset & Sex Skills

Become the sexually confident version of yourself by learning new sex skills and transforming your sex mindset.

Here are the lessons in this module:

  1. Transforming your mindset: sex myth vs. fact
  2. Essential ethics for casual sex & longterm sex
  3. Pleasure anatomy: the most sensitive parts of the body
  4. Sex skills: vulva pleasure
  5. Sex skills: penis pleasure
  6. Sex skills: anal pleasure
  7. How to identify your sex strengths
  8. Mindfulness hacks for enhanced sexual pleasure
  9. Body acceptance with self-seduction (meditation included)

Part 3: Healing & Empowerment

Learn how to heal your past and stop self-sabotage so that you feel empowered, adventurous, and confident. 

Here are the lessons in this module:

  1. What happens in your mind & body after sexual trauma
  2. How to use these healing techniques
  3. Healing shame with your inner child
  4. Understanding your sexual subconscious
  5. Why you protect yourself by self-sabotaging
  6. Healing whorephobia and slut shaming
  7. Using empathy as your sexual superpower
  8. Working with your strengths & weaknesses
  9. Creating your sex-positive future


Did you know that Nadège is a trained Dominatrix and a professional Astrologer? 

As a Sex Mastery student you get access to these bonus lessons:

  1. BDSM & Dating
  2. How to bring your BDSM fantasy to life
  3. The Astrology of your sex life & relationships
  4. Sex strengths and tips based on your zodiac sign
Transform Your Relationship with Sex

Meet Nagene

Hey there, I'm Nadège (she + they pronouns please!) I am a sex scholar, bestselling author, and speaker who can teach you how to feel healthier and empowered in your sexuality.

Ever since childhood, I've been unapologetically curious about sex. When a friend was navigating heartbreak or a sex crisis, I became the go-to person they'd call. I would grow up to be called a slut by some and a trailblazer by others. Personally, I like both those titles.

Overtime I realized, I have a gift when it comes to sex education, and I love to share this gift with the world. 

Though in order to tell you about the person I am today, it's important to bring you back to the point in my life that changed everything.

"There is so much misinformation about sex, it’s a wonder any of us are brave enough to "cum" together."

I started my journey because I wanted to trust and enjoy pleasure. And after all this time, I'm still fascinated by sex. 

When I feel healthy in my sexuality, I experience more fulfilling loves and higher life satisfaction. My relationship status does not define me, I'm more creative, and I feel empowered by the world that surrounds me.

The foundation for everything I do is shaped by the science and theology I learned at Berkeley - with a little astrology and spirituality mixed in there, too! 

My goal is to help you to make informed decisions about sex, wellness, and your sexuality. Welcome to Pleasure Science, I hope you gain information that empowers you. 

Let's make sexual liberation the norm in a society that profits off of shame!



"Massively transformational. Nadège helped me heal inner child wounding around shame, judgement, and deservingness, unlocking a playful, confident, flirtatious side of myself that I couldn’t access previously. Now, this side of myself runs the show in moments of intimacy and vulnerability."

- Sarah she/her

"For years I have struggled with my confidence and sense of intimacy with myself and my partner. Your calm, structured and uniquely tailored way of approaching both topics quickly enabled me to move from anxiety to action."

- Jackson

"I had not experienced such an intelligent, eloquent wisdom-based understanding of sex until Nadege. With compassion and humor and knowledge she  guided me through a powerful transition, rites of passage and returned to a deeper sense of self.”



The Sex Mastery Course teaches you how to trust, love, and learn sex using your natural strengths.

Master how you communication, improve your sex skills, and heal your past so that connection feels like a game designed for you to play, win, and thrive.

Take Control of Your Sexual Wellness
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