10-Minute Non-Invasive Vagal Nerve Toning System That Heals A Traumatized Nervous System.

Join the 10,000+ survivors using our step-by-step Vagal Toning Program to regulate their nervous system. Inspired by teachings from Dr. Stephen Porges and Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk.

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Embark on a Journey of Transformation with the Vagal Toning Program, Joined by Over 10,000 Therapists and Clients

Picture this: a world where you effortlessly reconnect with the calm and grounding sensations within your body, where triggers lose their grip, and where the echoes of trauma subside. This is the promise of the Vagal Toning Program – a sanctuary where 10 minutes a day paves the way to profound healing.

🌱 A Movement Uniting Thousands: Practical vagus nerve toning exercises that resonate with their body's innate wisdom.

💫 Reclaiming Calm Amidst Chaos: This is your compass, guiding you to reconnect with the soothing sensations of calm and groundedness.

🌬️ A Strengthened Vagus Nerve: Through carefully crafted exercises, you'll empower this vital nerve to tame the intensity and frequency of triggers, flashbacks, and nightmares.

🕊️ Unburdening Through Gentle Release:  Release the weight of traumatic memories and held energy with therapeutic exercises that whisper serenity.

🌟 Somatic Movement for Resilience: The Vagal Toning Program is your gateway to a refuge where you can reduce feelings of inundation

🌈 Love, Kindness, and Restoration: Release feelings of anger and frustration. As you journey, you'll rediscover a love for yourself and others, painting your days with kindness and empathy.

🛡️ Reclaiming Power and Agency: In moments of dissociation and helplessness, your power awaits.

🌐 Elevate Your Practice: Therapists, your journey is also an opportunity to deepen your expertise. Earn 8 hours of CE credit, available for purchase. Elevate your practice and inspire your clients with the art of vagal toning.

Welcome to a world where healing isn't just a possibility – it's your birthright. Join the Vagal Toning Program and become part of a story that transcends trauma, one empowering exercise at a time.

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What is the Vagus Nerve and What Does It Have To Do With Trauma?

The vagus nerve plays a role in the autonomic nervous system, The vagus nerve is the largest nerve in the body and is a key part of your parasympathetic “rest and digest” nervous system. It influences your breathing, digestive function, and heart rate, all of which can significantly impact your mental health. In recent years, experts have found links between the gut-brain axis that causes conditions such as obesity and depression.

If you have experienced a traumatic event it is likely you are living with an overwhelmed nervous system, and the vagus nerve is likely weak. 

Increasing the vagus nerve activity or vagal tone helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system and allows us to return to a relaxed state after stressful experiences. The activity of our vagal tone is directly related to experiencing positive emotions, thus the higher our vagal tone, the healthier our mind and body can be.

According to leading trauma expert Dr. Stephen Porges, the key to supporting the nervous system in moving to a calm and more regulated state is through the vagus nerve.

So if one’s vagus nerve is weak, it's harder to regulate their emotions (Breit et al., 2018; Porges et al., 1994).

Emotional stability comes with ease when a higher vagal tone is in place(Porges et al., 1994). 

Your left and right vagal nerves contain 75% of your parasympathetic nervous system’s nerve fibers. These fibers send information between your brain, heart, and digestive system.

Thankfully, there is a way to increase the tone of the vagus nerve from the privacy of your own home so you can quickly and easily move to a place of emotional stability. Are you ready?

Yes! I am READY!

According to the Polyvagal Theory, strengthening the vagus nerve and learning self-soothing methods to overcome prolonged negative responses to danger signals can help individuals reduce damage caused by long-term exposure to stress and develop their social engagement response.

Symptoms your vagus nerve is suffering from trauma:

  • Difficulty speaking
  • Loss or change of voice
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Loss of the gag reflex
  • Low blood pressure
  • Slow or fast heart rate
  • Changes in the digestive process
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Digestive Issues
  • Depression and anxiety in people with breathing problems or heart disease
  • Symptoms similar to feelings of a heart attack. Chronic tightness in chest and arms

The symptoms someone might have depended on what part of the nerve is damaged. (Healthline, July 2022).

The Key to Your Future Begins Here.

10,000+ clients just like you seeking practical 10-minute-a-day vagus nerve toning exercises to help:

  • Improvements in physical and mental health
  • Reduced opiate and psychotropic use

  • Enhanced emotional well-being

  • Better social relationships

  • Reduced autonomic sympathetic activation

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Improved neuro-endocrine activity

  • Improved thyroid health

  • Improved blood sugar management

  • Improved digestive system health

  • Reduced Inflammation and improvements in rheumatoid arthritis

  • Decreased reported symptoms of PTSD

  • Improved vagal tone as measured by increased heart rate variability (HRV)

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Thankfully there is a way to tone the vagus nerve right from the privacy of your own home! Join our 10,000+ Members!

Somatic Trauma Therapy has designed the Polyvagal Theory featuring over 10+ different 10-minute techniques that can help to tone the vagus nerve. 10,000+ clients who suffered from trauma, anxiety, panic attacks, and/or depression who have used our vagal toning program have reported seeing noticeable improvements in their first week of integrating these 10-minute techniques into their daily routine. Helping to reduce the intensity and frequency of triggers.

We would also like you to note that we have a 48-hour money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the program. No questions asked!


Polyvagal Therapy Toning Program: 10-Minute Techniques For Toning The Vagus Nerve To Heal The Traumatized Nervous System 

Discover techniques and insights to navigate trauma responses (Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn). With over 25+ therapies and exercises, plus 5 theory modules, gain a deep understanding of the autonomic nervous system and vagal responses. Reconnect with your body's wisdom, release trauma, and build resilience. Your journey to healing begins here.


Proven Process

Endorsed by the therapists around the world.

Step-by-Step Tutorials

Easy-to-follow videos that train you on how to heal your body and mind

48-Hour Money Back Guarantee

If you feel it's not the right fit, you'll get a full refund.

Lifetime Access

Enjoy lifetime access and updated videos along the way.

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As Seen In

Course Content Preview


Understanding Your Vagus Nerve

Unlock the Power Within: Discover the Secrets of Your Vagus Nerve and Transform Your Well-Being. Delve into the profound influence of the vagus nerve on your physical and emotional health.


Ventral Vagal Activation & Connection

Ventral Vagal Activation: Nourish Your Well-Being. Explore a transformative module designed to awaken your ventral vagal system, bringing you peace, resilience, and a sense of safety like never before."


Polyvagal Shifts & Self Regulation

Polyvagal Shifts & Self Regulation: Your Path to Balance. Dive into this illuminating module that unravels the mysteries of your nervous system, enabling you to take charge of your emotional well-being and find equilibrium.


Navigating Sympathetic Activation

Navigate Sympathetic Activation: Uncover the keys to understanding and managing your body's stress response system. This module empowers you to take control of your reactions and find calm amid life's challenges.


Healing the Dorsal Vagal Systems

Explore the profound impact of the dorsal vagal system on your well-being and discover therapeutic techniques to foster healing and resilience."


Vagus Nerve Toning & Healing Exercises

Discover 20+ powerful healing practices to enhance your vagus nerve's function and promote overall well-being such improved mental stability and mood control, emotionally recenter, regulate the nervous system and support gut health. Areas cover Anxiety, depression, dissociation, 4 Trauma responses, dissociation and more!


Creating a Polyvagal-Informed Treatment Plan

Learn to tailor healing approaches based on the Polyvagal Theory for enhanced well-being and self-regulation.


Bonus Expert Guided Vagal Trainings:

  • A humming & tapping technique
  • A creative voice expression exercise
  • An exercise focused on resolving tunnel vision after trauma
  • An empowerment exercise using pushing arm movements
  • A facial expression exercise
  • A voice and water exercise to relax the vocal chords
  • An exercise to activate the parasympathetic nervous system


What Others
Have Experienced


" Loved these vagal training techniques that are proven, and successful. Big Pharma isn't making any money on these techniques so it is unlikely that your AMA trained doctor will recommend any of them!! But use them, THEY ALL WORK. I highly recommend it!"

Stella S.

" This training for the vagus nerve is simple and direct. The trainer delivers in a warm, open-hearted way. I like that the videos are narrated and they start immediately with the techniques. It allows me to feel guided but I can also mute the narration and simply follow along. I really appreciate all the information and wisdom that is woven into this training with the PDF downloads. I already feel so much more relaxed and encouraged to begin to continue working with my vagus nerve and improving my overall health and well-being!"

Fatima Y.

Start Your
New Life.


Experiencing trauma is not always easy and the healing work that goes along with it may feel like you want to resist it. This too is a trauma response. But our trained somatic practitioners are not just teachers they are also trauma survivors. They too have been in your shoes. They are here because they know this process works. Trapped emotions can stay in our bodies like a beacon. Many victims of trauma have noted that they were repeat victims. This is due to the energetic frequency your body emanates. Give us 30 days to retrain your nervous system. Heal your wounds and attract the life, people and abundance that is your birthright. These modalities can be used in the privacy of your own home as well in public when you feel anxious or triggered, while being discreet. Your future depends on a healthy and happy you. Be empowered and inspired to learn and grow from this event or experience in your life. You won't regret it. 

Thankfully, according to Dr. Peter Levine, somatic therapies and techniques can work directly with the trauma-affected nervous system to help safely release trauma from the body. 


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Included with This Course Are These Amazing Bonuses!

First Bonus Feature

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Third Bonus Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

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Hi! I'm Kris.



Kris is a certified Yoga Instructor, Quantum Healer and Somatic Instructor. Her primary focus in creating programs that facilitate trauma healing through Somatics, which was inspired by her own experience. She knows and understands the power behind 'neuroplasticity exercises' that help to reduce and eliminate the side effects of a traumatic experience.

Other techniques Kris shares at Somatic Trauma Therapy are yoga, breathwork and vagal toning. She also is also a Quantum coach for female entrepreneurs who are ready to take their life and business to the next level.

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We know it hasn't been easy, that's why being able to follow a somatic therapist who has been there before can help ensure your success and that healing takes place. 


Thousands Of Healing Transformations With Somatic Trauma Therapy's PolyVagal Training.


" I had heard that vagal toning would address digestive tract problems. I have used many types of pre and pro-biotics in the past with little to no help. Once I started doing these trainings I saw an immediate difference in my digestion! Who knew?! If you suffer from chronic stomach issues it really could be a weak vagal nerve and not just a stomach issue. I have less bloat and digest food much better. I do this daily and I will continue to do so."

Sylvia G.

"These techniques are wonderful. THEY ALL WORK and I will continue to use these techniques daily. I personally like the humming and I do it while I shower- it's part of my shampoo routine now!"

Carly H.

"I thought I was having a heart attack last month but found out it was my vagus nerve. I never even heard of that before but its what the ER Dr told me. So I searched for videos and came across this training and I loved it! Simple and effective and I notice I have less heartburn as well."

Laurie S.

"I bought the somatic trauma therapy and the vagal toning. Here is what I love most about both of these programs. 1st: it has a video to follow, it's narrated so when I was learning the techniques I could listen but once I got it I could just mute the narration and follow the trainer. 2nd: As a teacher myself I thought the use of visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and read/written learning was brilliant for anyone who needs a specific learning style. Both courses are built like this and are wonderful in helping me and my students deal with trauma from a HS shooting we experienced a year ago. Some of my students can't talk of the incident so I weave this into my class daily in the first 10 mins of class. Thank you for this!"

Shelly R.

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