$29.00 USD

Every month

7 day trial
Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases
You "Agree" and acknowledge our terms and conditions, and understanding this program is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any medical conditions. It is designed for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice or treatment.

Healing & Transformation Integration Membership

The path to embodied change starts here. ✨ Integration Membership allows the body, mind, and spirit to assimilate new patterns of existence to maximize your healing.

What you'll get:

  • Access to the 5 Core Healing Modules to Support Your Integration:
    • Inner Child Healing: To embrace and reparent your inner child
    • Inner Healing Miracles: Advance your Adult self to optimum levels
    • Somatics Trauma Therapy: To regulate your nervous system 
    • Polyvagal Toning: To regulate the nervous system and support the brain, heart, and gut connection
    • Yoga Release: To tap into the bodies own natural healing abilities and release trapped emotions
    • Monthly LIVE Healing ceremonies, rituals and practices
  • Cancel Anytime
  • Self Paced Programs with  support along the way


What People Are Saying:

I was recommended this program by the place I did Ayahuasca as a post integration program. Extremely helpful!


I have literally done so many healing modalities its insane! Shamans, healers in Bali, Akashic records, Neurofeedback and after a while I was like "HOW COME I DON"T FEEL DIFFERENT AFTER ALL MY HEALING WORK"? Well after literally typing that into google I found many places that talked about integration, and down a rabbit hole I went. Came across this program and it literally has everything you need from inner child to nervous system to body movement. It has helped SO SO MUCH!!! Thank 🙏🙏🙏🙏


I did plant medicine a few months ago and was told that integration was the most important piece when getting back to reality. This Integration program was so awesome! It literally touches on every aspect of your life and provides healing tools to integrate into your everyday! Highly Recommend! Thank you so much! 💕
