Heal Your Inner Child & Reclaim Your Power 

Are childhood feelings of abandonment, abuse, or neglect affecting your adult life? Learn how to transform wounds and patterns so you can move forward in your life.


This course is an invitation. An invitation to heal. An invitation to release. An invitation to express. An invitation to resolve. An invitation to self-forgive. An invitation to re-open your heart. An invitation to prioritize your own healing. An invitation to shed internalized negativities. An invitation to empowerment. An invitation to wholeness.

✅  Discover how to heal your inner child

✅  Name and work through related issues and patterns

✅  Dissolve energetic imprints in the body caused by trauma through hypnosis

✅  Regain a feeling of safety and security in your own body

✅  Reduce the frequency and intensity of triggers

✅  Discover your Jungian Archetype and open the doorway to your true core

✅  Discover your Adult Self and its needs

✅  Hypnosis Meditations and Tools for healing and Integration

✅  Look in the mirror and love who you see! 

 $249   $149 

(Lifetime Access)

YES! I'm Ready To Heal! ✨

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Are Childhood Issues Affecting Your Adult Life?

The Inner Child lives within all of us, it's the part of us that feels emotions and is playful, intuitive, and creative. Usually hidden under our grown-up personas, the Inner Child holds the key to intimacy in relationships, physical and emotional well-being, recovery from addictions, and the creativity and wisdom of our inner selves. In this course, you will learn how to heal your own inner child and discover when your adult self or shadow self is taking over.

  • Did you grow up with a parent who was absent or abandoned you by choice?

  • Did a "friend" or family member make you feel unsafe in your own body?

  • Have friends or family ALWAYS taken more than they ever gave?

As children, we act out our experiences, thoughts, feelings, and dreams through our play. Our creativity becomes the basis of how we prepare for the real world.

Adolescence is a time of discovery, but it can also be painful. As we grow, we begin developing expectations of the world. Sometimes, those expectations fail us. We have broken hearts, we have frustrations, and we have dreams that just don't materialize. At some point, many of us stop playing and start letting our experiences dictate who we are and what we want.

Where is the line that separates an adult life from childhood? And not just a number or an arbitrary age of majority. After all, we're always growing. The balance shifts when we stop playing. At that point, we spend little time imagining what could be and focus on what our experiences dictate. 

Inner Child Healing Protocol is a program that shows you how to have a firsthand experience of your Inner Child—actually feeling its emotions and recapturing its sense of wonder—One protocol used in the course is a writing hypnosis that uses your non-dominant hand. Expanding on the highly acclaimed technique introduced in The Power of Your Other Hand, by Dr. Capacchione. This writing, relating, shadow work, and hypnosis protocol will help you to embrace your Vulnerable Child, your Angry Child, find the Nurturing Parent within, and finally discover the Creative and Magical Child that can heal your life.

We would like to help you reintroduce yourself to your inner child and learn how your experiences (shadows) are affecting your adult life and how to break those patterns.

Are you ready?

Yes! I am READY!

“Inner Bonding is a process of connecting our Adult thoughts with our instinctual gut feelings, the feelings of our “Inner Child,” so that we can live free of conflict within ourselves.” – Margaret Paul

Who is Inner Child Work for?

  • Despite being overwhelmed, you take on additional responsibility because saying no would make you feel more guilty
  • Being hesitant to say what you want or need because it may lead to negative consequences
  • Thinking you are less worthy or that your needs are less significant
  • When someone asks for your opinion, you feel stressed or anxious 
  • The idea of setting clearly defined personal boundaries makes you uncomfortable
  • Frustration or irritation
  • Big reactions to unmet needs
  • Childish outbursts, like throwing tantrums or saying things you don’t mean
  • Complaining that no one understands you or you don’t feel heard
  • Difficulty explaining your feelings or why you’re upset (alexithymia) 
  • Low self-esteem
  • A particularly harsh inner critic
  •  Immaturity
  • Patterns of self-sabotage
  • Fear of abandonment or commitment issues
  • Challenges with setting boundaries or expressing your needs

When traumatic episodes become a normal part of your affected state the Broca area of your brain, which is responsible for speech production, shuts down and the body starts processing emotions through physical ailments and addictions. (Body Keeps The Score, Van der Kolk 2014). This is why thousands of therapists worldwide endorse and often start with inner child healing.Do you recognize any of these patterns in yourself? Childhood wounds might be to blame. Seeing the ways that your inner child needs support can help you resolve these patterns as an adult.


The Key to Your Future Begins Here.

10,000+ clients just like you seeking to reconnect to their true selves by healing their inner child.

  • Get in touch with your youthful spirit
  • Let yourself get lost in creativity
  • Nourish your inner child
  • Reflect on the resilience of your inner child’s spirit
  • Give praise for the things that matter—Affirm your positive attributes and efforts to work through your trauma
  • Remind yourself of the good times—Let your mind wander back to positive childhood memories
  • Understanding how past trauma affects your present behavior
  • Developing healthy coping mechanisms
  • Reconnecting to passions, dreams, and talents you may have put aside
  • Feeling empowered and in control of your life
  • Improved emotional regulation 
  • Increased self-esteem, self-compassion, and compassion for others 
  • Invest in yourself—Join our Inner Child Healing!

Inner child work can restore the part of you that felt free and unafraid to fail. A powerful question to get yourself thinking is “What would you do if you weren’t worried about what other people would think?” It’s easy to get caught up in other people’s expectations. But when we do, we let these voices drown out our own inner voice and we lose sight of what we want for ourselves. If you find that you’re frustrated, angry, or feeling stuck, it might be your inner child asking for support. Understanding how your traumatic experiences impact your choices today can help you get unstuck. 

I'm Ready To Heal!✨

No matter what trauma you experienced as a child we can help you begin your healing journey.

Let us walk you through it

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Inner Child Healing

An online and on-demand program that supports the Recovery of Your Inner Child: The Highly Acclaimed Method for Liberating Your Inner Self


Proven Process

10,000+ Happy Healing Clients

Step-by-Step Tutorials

Beautiful trainings with supporting hypnosis 

48-Hour Money Back Guarantee

If you feel it's not the right fit, you'll get a full refund.

Lifetime Access

Enjoy lifetime access and updated videos along the way.

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As Seen In

Course Content Preview


What is Inner Child Work? An Introduction.

Learn how the inner child holds the secret to our happy adult lives.

MODULE 02:01

Meet Your Inner Child

The Inner Child lives within all of us, it's the part of us that feels emotions and is playful, intuitive, and creative. Usually hidden under our grown-up personas.

MODULE 02:02

Nurturing Needs

This protocol allows you to shift traumatic memories to reduce or eliminate triggers. This tool is excellent to use so you don't feel overwhelm when spikes of trauma are still being healed.

MODULE 02:03


 Reparenting involves learning to give your wounded inner child all the love, respect, and dignity they deserved when you were young



Reconnect with your creative and loving inner child with this quick writing hypnosis.


Inner Child Archetypes

Learn which inner child archetype you are and how that relates to your adult reactions, behaviors, and relationships.






What Others
Have Experienced


"I had actual tears of recognition in my eyes after starting this program; six months later, I feel like I have reached a milestone in my recovery from abuse. I felt understood by this training in a way that I never have before with a psychology or therapy text, except for Somatic Trauma Therapy's program. This training is absolutely invaluable for someone with complex trauma in childhood, who used dissociation as their main defense mechanism. I highly recommend this program! And be patient with yourself!"

Lara Swanson

"Best training on Inner Child work I have done. I loved the insight and learning about myself. Hypnosis was something I used almost every day before I went to bed. After 30 days I swear I feel like a whole new person and see my abusive mother in a much different and honestly, loving light. I NEVER thought I'd be able to say that. So thank you for this course!"

Michelle S.

Start Your
New Life.


Learn How To Self-Compassionately Re-Connect With The Inner Child & Release Unmourned Loss/Hurt. Doing Inner Child Work  Is An Overlooked & Unassessed Wound Separating One From Their Sense Of Self. 10,000+ students are taking their life back and learning how to use their newfound self-love to grow and expand to become the best version of themselves. As children, we act out our experiences, thoughts, feelings, and dreams through our play. Our creativity becomes the basis of how we prepare for the real world. The foundational benefit of inner child work is developing self-awareness. Our Inner Child Healing program found that the skills of mental fitness develop in a certain order. The first skill to develop is introspection, and it lays the foundation for all other kinds of personal and professional growth.

Thankfully, according to Dr. Peter Levine, somatic therapies and techniques can work directly with the trauma-affected nervous system to help safely release trauma from the body. 


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  • 48-hour money back guarantee
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Included with This Course Are These Amazing Bonuses!

First Bonus Feature

Downloads to support your healing.

Second Bonus Feature

Lifetime access so you can learn at your own pace.

Third Bonus Feature

48-Hour Money Back Guarantee if this course is not the right fit for you!

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Hi! I'm Kris.



Kris is a certified Yoga Instructor, Quantum Healer and Somatic Instructor. Her primary focus in creating programs that facilitate trauma healing through Somatics, which was inspired by her own experience. She knows and understands the power behind 'neuroplasticity exercises' that help to reduce and eliminate the side effects of a traumatic experience.

Other techniques Kris shares at Somatic Trauma Therapy are yoga, breathwork and vagal toning. She also is also a Quantum coach for female entrepreneurs who are ready to take their life and business to the next level.

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We know it hasn't been easy, that's why being able to follow a somatic therapist who has been there before can help ensure your success and that healing takes place. 


Additonal Testimonials


"I suffer from a CHRONIC inability to make decisions. It got so bad I finally sought help and came across this program. I never thought experiences from my childhood would make me so hesitant but boy were my eyes opened. I am so much better an intuition now as well and shutting down the echos voices in my head."


"I loved learning about my inner child! My mother left me as a child only to show up years later and expect a relationship. I have struggled with that and she never seemed to hold herself accountable. Now I understand so much more about me, my needs, and what not to expect from someone else as an adult. I am the healer of my emotions, not a "Im sorry" or "forgive me" from someone else. Excellent course!"

Lydia T

"I was part of the beta testing for this course, and loved it so much that I now offer it to my clients who are dealing with childhood trauma. It's a lighter and more fun way to learn about your inner child and grow as an adult. Highly recommend."

 Dr. Foster

"Beautiful course, great content and I loved learning and understanding my archetype as a child and then also as an adult and why they relate! Fun stuff!"


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