Heal Your Trauma & Reclaim Your Power:    Healing & Transformation Integration Collection

If you have tried talk therapy, healers, shamans, plant medicine, neurofeedback or any other modality to heal and still wonder, 'Why am I not improving'... you need our Integration collection.

Join the 10,000+ survivors healing, integrating & feeling support after their clinical or spiritual practice ended. Gain access to our TOP 5 TRAININGS for Ultimate Healing from the privacy of your own home.

βœ…  Heal & reparent your traumatized youth with Inner Child Healing program

βœ…  Grow and evolve into the adult you desire with Inner Healing Miracles program

βœ…  Relieve & calm your nervous system with Somatic Trauma Therapy program

βœ…  Heal & strengthen the vagus nerve so you can connect, communicate & relieve chronic fear, anxiety and panic with ease with Vagal Nerve Training

βœ…  Release trapped emotions from trauma with our Yoga Release program

βœ…  BONUS: Playful Hypnosis, Deep Healing Meditations and Artfully Crafted Downloads & Alternative Healing Practices

βœ…  Immerse yourself in these self-paced trainings that will help you reconnect your mind, body, and spirit so you can embody the true, empowered you

βœ…  Whether you have tried all kinds of healers & Doctors or even if you are just starting your healing journey... this program will help you look in the mirror and love who you see! Integrate all you have learned, here in one place!

 $698    $349 One-Time Sign-Up Fee

(Lifetime Access)

YES! I'm Ready To Heal! ✨

Start Your Healing Today! 10,000+ Clients, 48-Hour Money Back Guarantee!


Have you been dedicated to your healing, but not feeling "better"?

First of all, congratulations for honoring your need to heal. That takes courage, and a lot of self love to do! So thank you for saying YES to yourself!

But let's be honest, it's guaranteed that we will face challenges throughout our life no matter what intense or in-depth healing work we have done. Which is probably why you are here, reading this.

Healing modalities such as talk therapy,  healers or shamans, spending a boat load on neurofeedback or embracing psychedelics like ayahuasca or other plant medicine somewhere deep in the jungle, may have you still secretly asking yourself, "Why don't I feel better?" 

Leaving you feeling challenged, confused and often times alone. 

Are we speaking what you're thinking?



Common Feelings Post Therapy or Spiritual Modality:

It would seem logical  that coming back after any sort of in-depth treatment that it would be the perfect opportunity to practice what you've learned and to relate to old situations in new ways. But often times not having the guidance and structure you had during your healing, or therapy treatment can leave us feeling overwhelmed.

Navigating the integration process while also trying to live life, with work, kids, family, relationships, and everything else to manage can be extremely challenging. 

Do any or all of these sound familiar?

  • Are emotions like fear or anger that had been suppressed for a long time still coming out post treatment?
  • Are you still trying to find clarity in all you learned about yourself?
  • Are past relationships, friendships, jobs –  losing their appeal but you don't know where else to go or grow?
  • Has all your healing left you still questioning what your purpose is?
  • Are you feeling reliant on the modality vs truly hearing your own inner guidance?
  • Are you still experiencing triggers or suffering through repeat traumas?
  • Are you tired of spending thousands to tens of thousands on treatments and not feeling fully supported post treatment?

This post treatment feeling is what is often referred to as "residue".

Residual emotions, energetic imprints and vibrational shifts experienced after treatments that are not addressed can leave one feeling just as bad if not worse as before their treatment started. πŸ˜₯

We know because we here at Somatics Trauma Therapy have been there too!

But here is the GOOD news... it's your Your Higher Self Screaming For Integration... who knew!😎

These messages from the soul are speaking and also testing us. 

"How bad do we want to heal?"

"How bad do you want to reconnect with your true self...in your real environment?" 

It WANTS to make sure you are ready!  Ready to purge the remaining feelings, emotions and belief systems that you have been holding onto that no longer serve where you are at today. That is what integration will help you achieve.

Even if you are just starting your healing journey. This intuitively curated program offers you artfully created healing modalities, tools and resources to help you forgive heal and grow so you can truly thrive in this life.

Joy, Ease & Abundance IS your birthright!


Integration Healing focuses on the participant's ability to move toward a deeper well-being through movement and self-exploration:

  • Become your own change agent
  • Validate your feelings while processing forgiveness
  • Learning to be curious and self expressive
  • Soothing the nervous system in minutes when feeling triggered
  • Create better boundaries
  • Reconnecting to the body and it's movement
  • Embrace the feelings of your emotions with compassion- after all, they have missed sharing with you✨
  • Welcome new experiences into your life with ease
  • Heal your inner child to where you are now 

Our Healing & Transformation Integration Collection is endorsed by therapists, healers and shamans as a practical yet beneficial tool that allows you to continue to integrate after all you have worked so hard to accomplish! 


To befriend the difficult emotions is to build a conscious and loving relationship with them, to listen deeply to what they have to say, and to wish them well with a sense of gratitude when it is time to let them go. Emotional mastery is the key to personal development and spiritual growth; an alchemical process that leads to a profound transformation of our inner world. 

Integration Healing Is For Individuals, Couples, & Families In A Variety Of Treatment Plans For:

  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Behavioral and Emotional Concerns
  • Issues Associated with Separation
  • Adjustment to a Chronic or Life Event
  • Loss, Grief and Bereavement
  • Trauma and Abuse
  • Issues Related to Developmental, Learning & Physical Disabilities
  • Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
  • PTSD
  • Anyone on an advanced healing or spiritural journey


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No matter what trauma you experienced it will impact your mental, emotional & physical health until it is released. That is why integration is critical!

Let us walk you through it

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Healing & Transformation Integration Collection

The path to embodied change starts here. ✨ Integration allows the body, mind, and spirit to assimilate new patterns of existence to maximize your healing.

Includes Our Top 5 Courses For Ultimate Healing & Integration

Inner Child Healing

To embrace and reparent your inner child

Inner Healing Miracles

Inner Healing Miracles will teach you step-by-step tools to release trapped emotions so you can heal.

Somatics Trauma Therapy

To regulate your nervous system within minutes when feeling triggered.

Polyvagal Toning

To regulate the nervous system and support the brain, heart, and gut connection

Yoga Release

To tap into the bodies own natural healing abilities and release trapped emotions

48-Hour Money Back Guarantee

If you feel it's not the right fit, you'll get a full refund.

Lifetime Access

Enjoy lifetime access and updated videos along the way.

Proven Process

Endorsed by the American Psychological Association (APA)

Step-by-Step Tutorials

Easy-to-follow videos that train you on how to heal your body and mind

Use On Any Device

Our platform can be used on a computer, tablet, or cellphone & via the web or app

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As Seen In

Course Content Preview


Somatic Trauma Therapy

Relax your nervous system with our research-backed healing modalities that provide short-guided neuroplasticity therapies to help release trauma from the body from the privacy of your own home.


Polyvagal Nerve Strengthening

Heal with 10-minute guided therapies to gently tone the vagus nerve after trauma. All modalities are taken from Dr. Stephen Porges research on trauma. 


Yoga Release

Learn the way to work with your emotions through movement. Yoga poses provide a way to connect with the body and feel safe again. An excellent resource for post-traumatic events where you suffer from dissociation.


Inner Child Healing

Are childhood feelings of abandonment, abuse, or neglect affecting your adult life? Learn how to transform wounds and patterns so you can move forward in your life.


Inner Healing Miracles

Trauma can leave energetic imprints in the body that affect our friendships, love life, and career. Inner Healing Miracles will teach you step-by-step tools to release trapped emotions so you can heal.


  • Fasting for Clarity
  • Floating
  • Tapping for Anxiety
  • Sounds of Healing
  • Theta Matra
  • Alpha Emotion
  • Holotropic Breathwork
Start Integrating Today! 🌺

What Others
Have Experienced


"I did an ayahuasca to heal from an abusive childhood and I loved the ceremony, the shamans and all the support but once I returned home I felt so lost again. This is a great way to stay focused on my healing while still participating in my everyday life."


"I have literally tried everything to heal and they were amazing but I always felt lost when I left my group of support. This integration was recommended by another friend I met in Peru and It was just what I needed."


Start Your
New Life.


Experiencing trauma is not always easy and the healing work that goes along with it may feel like you want to resist it. This too is a trauma response. But our trained somatic practitioners are not just teachers they are also trauma survivors. They too have been in your shoes. They are here because they know this process works. Trapped emotions can stay in our bodies like a beacon. Many victims of trauma have noted that they were repeat victims. This is due to the energetic frequency your body emanates. Give us 30 days to retrain your nervous system. Heal your wounds and attract the life, people and abundance that is your birthright. These modalities can be used in the privacy of your own home as well in public when you feel anxious or triggered, while being discreet. Your future depends on a healthy and happy you. Be empowered and inspired to learn and grow from this event or experience in your life. You won't regret it. 

Thankfully, according to Dr. Peter Levine, somatic therapies and techniques can work directly with the trauma-affected nervous system to help safely release trauma from the body. 


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We Offer Different Payment Plans


1 Payment of


Paid In Full

  • Lifetime access and future updates
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money back guarantee
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3 Payments of


Paid Monthly

  • Pay over time to make it more affordable
  • Lifetime access
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money back guarantee
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Included with This Course Are These Amazing Bonuses!

First Bonus Feature

8 Additional Trauma Therapies to support the central nervous system in moments of fear.

Second Bonus Feature

Downloads to enhance your trauma therapy and speed up your recovery.

Third Bonus Feature

Monthly LIVE sessions to enhance your therapy and feel supported on your journey!

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Hi! I'm Kris.



Kris is a certified Yoga Instructor, Quantum Healer and Somatic Instructor. Her primary focus in creating programs that facilitate trauma healing through Somatics, which was inspired by her own experience. She knows and understands the power behind 'neuroplasticity exercises' that help to reduce and eliminate the side effects of a traumatic experience.

Other techniques Kris shares at Somatic Trauma Therapy are yoga, breathwork and vagal toning. She also is also a Quantum coach for female entrepreneurs who are ready to take their life and business to the next level.

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We know it's been a long journey. Let's make sure all your work pays off.


Watch Lara's Video


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Additonal Testimonials


"Thank you so much for creating this integration program. It has helped me stay consistent on my healing and spiritual journey. I have learned so many wonderful tools to use throughout my day.


"I have done this practice in conjunction with my therapist- who recommended it actually. I felt I made bigger strides using Somatic therapy added to my day to day. I highly recommend trying it."

Anna Finley

"I loved ALL the trainings in here. I started with inner child, and every day I looked forward to a new class. I continue to unlock new gifts about myself daily!!"


"I have been on a healing journey for about 4 years now and the first thing that stood out to me was the statement, "Why don't I feel better?' The greatest lesson I learned was that my body was trying to feel better but I was not doing the work everyday, or so I thought I was. This integration program taps into all the tools I need to continue healing while I still live a productive life at home I can't go to Costa Rica every month- although I wish! Thank you!


This could be you!
Are you ready to transform your life?


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Frequently Asked Questions


48-Hour Money-Back Guarantee!

You have been through enough. If you feel this program doesn't fit, you can get a full refund within 48-hours of purchase. Simply email us!

Simplified with Multiple Payment Plans


1 Payment of


Paid In Full

  • Lifetime access and future updates
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money-back guarantee
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3 Payments of


Paid Monthly

  • Easy Pay: 3 monthly payments
  • Lifetime access
  • Technical support via email or messenger
  • Start any time and at your own pace
  • Discounts on bundled programs
  • 48-hour money-back guarantee
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