Release Weight & Removing Self Sabotage Patterns with Somatics

Oct 26, 2023
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 I'd always thought the biggest barrier to reaching my desired weight was my love for pasta, or maybe those missed spin classes after a long day at work. 


I'd tried everything: intermittent fasting, every conceivable diet, and all the latest workout fads. I even tried that buzzed-about juice cleanse (once was enough).


But while chatting in a wellness community, a new idea surfaced, and it got me pondering: Maybe there’s something deeper that diets and treadmills aren’t addressing?



My close friend, Mia, once spilled about this cool thing she was trying to reach her health goals. "It's not all about the food or hitting the gym," she hinted. She told me about stress, trauma, and our body's sneaky way of handling it all. It got my attention! 


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