Heal Your Chronic Fear, Guilt, and Shame to Reclaim Your Life! Join Inner Healing Miracles.

Are you living in a chronic state of stress? Take control of overwhelming thoughts and emotions from past traumatic events with proven body-based techniques that help to relieve and release your negative state of mind.


Unlock your true potential with our online, self-paced program, trusted by over 10,000 clients. Experience expert-guided therapies to:

✅ Reclaim a calm, safe body
✅ Let go of guilt, shame, and fear
✅ Master the art of returning to the present
✅ Dampen triggers' impact
✅ Elevate your vibration and liberate trapped emotions
✅ Immerse in transformative training for mind, body, and spirit unity
✅ Embrace self-love in your own reflection.

Join us on a journey to rediscover yourself.

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YES! I am tired of feeling stressed! ✨

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As Seen In

Tired of Living with Fear, Guilt, and Shame?  We can help.

Fear IS physical. Has fear, anxiety, and or panic attacks left you feeling like you will never feel like yourself again? An overwhelmed nervous system could be to blame due to emotional and physical changes due to adrenaline and cortisol being released at the same time.

  • You may feel an increase in heart rate when you think of a person, place, or event that triggers you

  • You may feel a "pulse" like feeling in your arms and legs, or become shaky.

  • Your breath increases in the chest often called Chest Breath= Stress Breath

  • Immediate brain fog sets in preparing to fight or run

  • Has your experience in the Military left you with PTSD?

FEAR is our body's survival response. And Fear can soon become PLEASURE for those with a dysregulated nervous system.

Did you know that 90% of fear, anxiety and panic originate when we are children and then generate as a coping mechanism as an adult?

According to Dr. Gabor Mate, Lead Trauma Expert. Anxiety is an attachment alarm when a child is not feeling connected to their parents. Without connection, we feel fear. When we feel fear we can become triggered with panic from those embedded experiences.  



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DID YOU KNOW: Fear can become... pleasure?

Do you love roller coasters, haunted houses, and horror movies? Ever wonder why you enjoy getting caught up in those fearful, stressful moments? Because the thrill doesn’t necessarily end when the ride or movie ends. Through the excitation transfer process, your body and brain remain aroused even after your scary experience is over. This is why many who experience chronic stress tend to always have raised cortisol levels because the nervous system can no longer calm itself down. 

“During a staged fear experience, your brain will produce more of a chemical called dopamine, which elicits pleasure,” says Dr. Sikora.

When chronic fear, anxiety, and panic are experienced you will often feel:

  • Increased Heartbeat
  • Inability to sleep
  • Fear of real or imagined outcomes
  • Impatience
  • Anger 
  • Hostility
  • Clenching of jaw
  • Social Distancing/Isolation
  • Unhealthy attachments such as addiction

Fear, anxiety, and panic are common reactions to events or objects. But when does it becomes a phobia that interferes with your ability to function and maintain a consistent quality of life?  When traumatic episodes become a normal part of your affected state the Broca area of your brain, which is responsible for speech production, shuts down and the body starts processing emotions through physical ailments and addictions. (Body Keeps The Score, Van der Kolk 2014). Which is why thousands of therapists worldwide endorse and often supplement their talk therapy with Somatic therapy.

Here is WHAT is happening in the mind and the body...

When fear becomes pleasurable, it often involves a complex interplay of neurobiological and psychological factors. Here's an explanation...

1. Brain Activity: Fear and pleasure share some common neural pathways. When exposed to a fearful or thrilling situation, the brain releases various neurochemicals, including adrenaline and dopamine. These chemicals can trigger feelings of pleasure, as dopamine is associated with reward and motivation.

2. Amygdala Activation: The amygdala, a small, almond-shaped structure in the brain, plays a key role in processing emotions, particularly fear. When confronted with a fearful situation, the amygdala activates the "fight or flight" response, which involves the release of stress hormones like adrenaline. This physiological response can heighten sensory perception and emotional intensity, which some individuals may interpret as pleasurable.

3. Psychological Factors: The perception of fear as pleasurable can also be influenced by individual psychology and personal preferences. Some people enjoy intense sensations and may actively seek out experiences that elicit fear, such as thrill rides, horror movies, or extreme sports. In these cases, the anticipation and excitement associated with these experiences can be pleasurable.

4. Habituation: Over time, the brain can become accustomed to certain stressors, and the associated fear response may diminish. In some cases, individuals may become desensitized to fear-inducing stimuli and seek even more intense experiences to maintain a sense of pleasure.

5. Social and Cultural Factors: Societal norms and cultural influences can shape how individuals perceive fear and pleasure. For example, cultural traditions and peer pressure can encourage individuals to find pleasure in fear-inducing situations, such as haunted houses during Halloween.

6. Coping Mechanisms: In some cases, the pleasure derived from fear may serve as a coping mechanism. It can help individuals manage stress and anxiety by providing a controlled, exhilarating outlet for their emotions.

It's important to note that the experience of pleasure from fear can vary widely among individuals. Some people may enjoy the sensation of fear, while others may find it distressing. Ultimately, the interaction between biological, psychological, and environmental factors determines how fear can become pleasurable for some.

YES! I want to regulate my nervous system!

No matter what FEAR you experienced it will impact your mental, emotional & physical health you can regulate your nervous system

Let us walk you through it


Inner Healing Miracles

Embark on a journey of emotional liberation with our comprehensive course. Master the art of addressing repressed emotions and chronic fear, unlocking the path to releasing negativity and trapped emotions, while building resilience against emotional pain. Discover the power of mindfulness techniques and engaging mind-body exercises, all included in 10 transformative training modules alongside over 10 healing exercises available for immediate use. Start your healing and transformation today.


Proven Process

Used by therapists around the world to support their clients healing journey

Step-by-Step Tutorials

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  • Fasting for Clarity
  • Floating
  • Tapping for Anxiety
  • Sounds of Healing
  • Theta Matra
  • Alpha Emotion
  • Holotropic Breathwork

What Others
Have Experienced


"Before taking this course, my life was overshadowed by chronic fear and anxiety. I felt like I was trapped in a never-ending cycle of worry. Thanks to the techniques I learned here, I've been able to calm my chronic fear, and now I approach life with a sense of peace I thought I'd never experience."

Frank G

"I grew up in a home that was VERY turbulent. I never realized it until I was an adult and had a roommate. When I would hear her doing the dishes I could wake up out of my sleep and jump out of bed and say "Sorry, I will do it now" and she was looking at my like, "What are you talking about". The constant fear I was put under as a child to perform left me nervous all the time as an adult. I was addicted to the fear. WHO KNEW! This course was beautifully done and has helped me grow and learn about my triggers and how to address them. Now, I can sleep in peace!"


Start Your
New Life.

After completing the Inner Healing Miracles course, you'll embark on a journey to a new life, free from the burdens of chronic fear, anxiety, and panic. The transformative techniques and practices you've learned will empower you to release the emotional shackles that have held you back for so long. With a newfound sense of calm and control, you can step into the next chapter of your life with confidence and embrace the opportunities that await. Your inner healing journey doesn't just end with the course; it's the beginning of a life filled with emotional liberation and the freedom to live authentically.

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Included with This Course Are These Amazing Bonuses!

First Bonus Feature

8 Additional Trauma Therapies to support the central nervous system in moments of fear.

Second Bonus Feature

Downloads to enhance your trauma therapy and speed up your recovery.

Third Bonus Feature

Monthly LIVE sessions to enhance your therapy and feel supported on your journey!

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Heal from chronic fear, anxiety and panic! 


Additonal Testimonials


"I've struggled with chronic fear for as long as I can remember. This course changed everything for me. The practical exercises and insightful teachings provided the tools I needed to calm my constant anxiety. Now, I have a newfound sense of control over my life, and I'm no longer a prisoner to fear."


"The Inner Healing Miracles course has been a true revelation for me. I struggled with chronic fear and anxiety for years, and it felt like an endless battle. This course provided me with the tools I needed to finally break free from those chains. I can't express how liberating it is to experience life without the constant burden of fear. This course is a game-changer, and I'm forever grateful for the transformation it brought into my life."


"Inner Healing Miracles helped me overcome debilitating anxiety. The course's approach to emotional release, mindfulness, and mind-body techniques made all the difference. I've found a renewed sense of inner peace and have learned to regulate my fear response effectively. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to break free from the grips of chronic fear and anxiety."

Genevieve MacLean

"I was skeptical at first, but the Inner Healing Miracles course exceeded all my expectations. Learning to confront my repressed emotions and manage my chronic fear has given me a new lease on life. I feel more in control of my emotions, and the panic attacks have become a thing of the past. The techniques taught in this course are nothing short of miraculous."


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